A little after my 33rd birthday On a Sunday night I was reading some of Hebrews. Hebrews 13:2 hit me like a ton of bricks with what had been going on in my life. The verse reads “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
A few days later I heard the song that as they cliché say forever changed my life.” It was Entertaining Angels” by the Newsboys. This great song put in stone into my mind forever a verse that had been special to me ever since that faithful day. I had been working with little four year old angels at church and I had always known God put angels in one’s path but I never had the reassurance until I heard the song. I am a recovering music junkie. Music was how I wasted or enjoyed my time depending upon who you asked but now that time had new meaning because the right song can get one moving in the right direction. My love for music made it just vibrate my body. I now know Angels are coming in my path.
The first was a little girl who was in my class of wonder and awe for 4 years olds. She would forever change my life. I don’t know how to explain bur she was shy and looking to be loved. I found out later she had been sexually abused but she seemed to look forward to being in my class. It touched me deeply. I had never worked with children before but I was glad I met this angel. I learned a lot then and later on by this experience. I learned that wonder of a child could help God be found right in my life. These 4 year olds wonder were such a blessing. To have a pure concept of God was something I longed for as my life began to be found right in Christ. To me a child’s concept of who Christ like is then changed by the adults around them.
I am thankful for the little angels showed me Christ in a brand new way. I know God has used kids moving forward from that day. I have also have been outspoken about Adults poisoning the minds of the young with their concept of who God is instead of the right way by leading the young to study and question what they have read. I am hopeful that i will get to entertain many little ones in my future at the church I currently attend.